February 13, 2025


Association Of Law

Manipulative Aphorisms Used By The Media In Politics

Much to our chagrin, the world, and most specially in the United States, a perverse and very manipulative nomenclature, based on a number of tricky aphorisms, have been coined and used for some time now by the Media. It is something that not only confounds and distorts, but misinforms and misleads as well. It is in fact, a clever form of psychological manipulation to socially influence, with the aim to change and advance the interests of the manipulator and associates; most times, contrary to People’s interests and well being. It is commonly thought to include an element of moral disapprobation and even ridicule. Some of these harmful aphorisms ought to be taken generally, with a “grain of salt” wherever, whatever or whenever found:

1. Populist Politician: It is mentioned with a certain disdain and sarcasm, to describe a politician who is interested or associated, mostly with those causes upholding people’s rights and interests even against those of big money, big enterprise.

2. Liberal Politician: It is mentioned with a certain disdain and sarcasm, to describe a politician who proposes, supports or furthers social, economics, and political reforms sometimes contrary to the establishment and big economic interests.

3. Socialist Politician: It is mentioned contemptuously and disdainfully, to describe a politician whose main philosophy is the economic, social and political justice for all society, specially the least advantaged, disfranchised and the poorer of the country. He is portrait oftentimes as having communist tendencies.

4. Progressive Politician: It is mentioned with a certain disdain and sarcasm, to describe a politician who purports or supports certain causes or agendas, not necessarily accepted by main stream or traditional institutions, religious groups or conventional social philosophies

5. Conservative Politician: It is mentioned with a certain tone of approval to describe a politician who purports or supports those causes or agendas defended by big money, big interest or business, traditional values, certain religious groups, or philosophies like those of the “National Rifle Association”; “right wing Mackinlerism”, “White supremacy Groups” and opposes government expenditure on social programs like welfare, food stamps, universal health insurance, etc.

6. Left Wing Politician: It is mentioned with a certain disdain and derogatory tone, to describe a politician who purports or supports those agendas opposing mainstream political thought and is associated as a “progressive”, “socialists” or “liberal” politician. Right Wing Politician, are those contrary Left wing ideology.

7. “Trumpist Politician”: This is one of those most recent coined aphorisms lately used more and more by the Media, to describe the type of very unusual Philosophy and politics promulgated by Donald Trump, current President of the United States. It tends to describe something that is uncertain, farfetched, illogical, regressive, and unfounded. There are few politicians embracing this philosophy but they are found basically in Deep South States.

These are the main or most utilized aphorisms used today by the North American News media in their daily exercise in the written press, television and the Internet. They have a profound impact in the perceptions among readers and corresponding effect vis a vis politicians, their parties and programs. In many ways, they have and still are contributing greatly to the outcome of electoral results. They show two basically types of users: those belonging to special groups or Interests control and most to a group of pundits ill informed, uneducated, lacking in historical, political and social sciences education.

Just take these observations carefully, when ready to go one way or the other in terms of political analysis of news and commentaries. Don’t take everything for granted, exercise prudence and good judgment. This will allow you to make GOOD political decisions.

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