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Why Pre-Sentence Consulting is Important The pre-sentence investigation report is used by the court to determine a defendant’s federal prison sentence. This report also determines the federal prison designation, security level, custody level, work assignments, bunk assignments, furlough eligibility, restitution issues, community custody placement, inmate quality of life enhancements, ability to self-surrender, and admission into the 500 hour residential drug abuse program. This document, the pre-sentence investigation report is written by a government probation officer. Most of the time this pre-sentence investigation report gives more favor to government and to the prosecution than to the defendant so there is a question on how a defendant can possibly get a fair and unbiased report. IF there are mistakes, inaccuracies, and untruths are found in the report, it is the duty of the defendant and his attorney to correct them. The defendant needs to submit all the corrections before the report is submitted to court and to the Bureau of Prisons. The problem is that many attorneys do not take the time to provide the scrutiny necessary to fully correct the defendant’s pre-sentence investigation report. This can have undesirable effects on the defendant’s length of sentence, program eligibility, facility designation, security level, and so many other factors that an inmate faces every day in federal prison.
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This dilemma can be solved if the defendant hires someone who is knowledgeable in federal prison issues, programs, policies, procedures, and has experienced life in a federal prison. He should hire someone who has actually gone through the whole process. He should be someone who knows the ins and outs of the federal prison system. It is a competent, experienced, and knowledgeable federal prison consultant that he should hire. A federal prison consultant will help the defendant prepare for the important pre-sentencing investigation interview and accompany him in the absence of a lawyer. A defendant will do well to go to the interview accompanied by the federal prison consultant.
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Knowledge, honesty, complete control of the facts, and complete information is important for the defendant to have. The things that will be asked of the defendant by the probation officer is personal information, professional association, and his current offense and everything in this interview will be verified as he is told. The probation officer also investigates his past criminal history and relationships with his family, which can be verified by them. Relationships with associates and current financial information will also be investigated. The type and extent of information that the probation officer asks and requires in writing the pre-sentence report is known by a good federal prison consultant. Every interview regardless of federal district in which it is conduct follow a very similar pattern and direction. A good federal prison consultant prepares the defendant for this line of questioning. All information given to the probation officer should be complete, truthful, and factual.