Choosing and Using a Lawyer / Advocate Service
As a legal practitioner or lawyer for almost twenty years, Vega Ortiz Abogados : “it doesn’t cross my mind if there are tips on choosing an advocate/lawyer.” This is of course at least because, in my mind, that advocate profession is an honorable profession (official nobile).
As a respectable profession, surely there should be no tips for choosing and using the services of a lawyer/advocate. But for some reason, I thought there were tips for choosing an advocate, an unusual thought in an advocate/lawyer. This is of course because of course, a lawyer who is the focus is the legal issues of the client he is handling.
In between – during leisure time and releasing thoughts and attention from legal cases/problems that are being handled, the question of choosing an advocate continues to interfere with my mind, even though it feels awkward too and makes no sense if an advocate thinks of such tips.
It is different may be the case with a mechanic gives tips for choosing an excellent workshop, or suggestions on shopping at the Mall and other such.
The question of how to choose an advocate/lawyer continues to be a brainchild, and I imagine myself as a non-advocate. What is someone’s consideration before dropping the choice on a lawyer?
As stated above, I almost never heard of any tips for choosing and using the services of an advocate/lawyer (maybe because I am an advocate), even what is often discussed is the matter of professional ethics.
To answer my curiosity, of course, it is rather impossible to ask a fellow lawyer because it means talking about yourself. For a lawyer who is usually thinking about working and resolving the legal problems of his client and also not possible to give tips for yourself.
Besides being potentially subjective, it is also unethical, if a lawyer provides tips to the public how to choose a lawyer. Another case is if suggestions are given by people outside of them who are advocate professionals.
To realize my curiosity, I tried “surfing” on the internet and asking “Google” by typing the phrase “Tips for choosing a legal advisor/lawyer”, and after that, some content appeared containing tips for choosing a lawyer. Apparently, there are tips for selecting lawyers/advocates. As the name implies, of course, the goal is for someone to be comfortable and get to know better before deciding to choose a lawyer/advocate.
The process of selecting Advocates / Lawyers by their legal needs is almost the same as the process of choosing Doctors, Accountants, Notaries, Architects, and other professional workers. Of course, by guaranteeing professionalism in his work, an Advocate / Lawyer must be able to provide the best service for the client, so that the client can assess and believe in the quality of work of the Advocate / Lawyer. Careful and careful clients need to be chosen and determined by Advocates / Lawyers to handle their legal matters. In order not to be mistaken in choosing the Advocates / Lawyers needed, some tips need to be taken below:
- Make sure that the Advocate / Lawyer is indeed an official Advocate / Lawyer who has a valid practice permit, not a “fake” or “Pokrol” lawyer.
- Ensure that the Advocate / Lawyer has the right qualifications in the field of law.
- Ensure that the Advocate / Lawyer does not have a conflict of interest in the case handled.
- Ensure that the Advocate / Lawyer will not engage in cooperation with the opposing party or the opposing Advocate / Lawyer.
- Ensure that the Advocate / Lawyer has a good track record in Advocates / Lawyers, including regarding ethics, morals, and honesty.
- Ensure that the Advocate / Lawyer has never been involved in legal malpractice.
- Make sure that the Advocate / Lawyer is a hardworking and dedicated type of profession and is right to work for the benefit of his client, not an Advocate / Lawyer who is only good at talking and then charges but is incapable of defending the interests of his clients.
That, if you are treated improperly by an Advocate / Lawyer, then you can report the matter to the Advocate Professional Honorary Board where the relevant lawyer is registered.