April 29, 2024


Association Of Law

Legal Action After a Traumatic Brain Injury

3 min read

Traumatic brain injuries are amongst the most devastating medical diagnoses. Often they are life-changing, requiring extensive treatment and rehabilitation over the long term. There are almost infinite causes of brain injuries, with some of the most common including car and motorcycle accidents, falling incidents, sports-related injuries, and medical errors, including birth-related trauma.

The aftermath of suffering a brain injury is often distressing and may involve significant impairment of quality of life. Mobility can be restricted, and employment prospects might be diminished. This can leave victims in financial difficulty; it is therefore worthwhile to consider pursuing legal action, to ensure that commensurate compensation is secured.

Examples of brain injuries

There are several categories of brain injury; some of the most common are discussed below.


Cerebral contusion is bruising to the brain tissue, which is often attributed to a blow to the head. Contusion may also cause increased pressure in the brain and skull, known as intracranial pressure, or ICP. This condition can arise after incidents involving blunt force to the head, particularly car crashes, sporting accidents, and intentional acts of violence. Long-term consequences of cerebral contusion may include chronic headaches, dizziness, seizures, and difficulties with balance, movement, and coordination. It can leave victims unable to work or complete everyday activities, with some losing their independence. If cerebral contusion and its after-effects are attributable to the negligence of an individual or organization, a compensation claim may be possible.



Also known as a minor head trauma, or mild traumatic brain injury (mBTI), concussion is the most frequently reported type of brain injury. Symptoms of concussion include headache, confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, light sensitivity, difficulties with balance and coordination, tinnitus, and disorientation. Changes in mood, particularly aggression and combativeness, may also be experienced.

Isolated concussions have an almost 100% survival rate, however there are long-term implications, including increased susceptibility to further cases of concussion, which may lead to more serious brain injury and conditions such as depression, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia. In cases of concussion caused by the actions of a guilty party, such as a car accident or workplace incident, there may be cause for taking legal action.


Cerebral edema

Fluid in the brain, or cerebral edema, can occur either in response to head trauma or as a result of other conditions such as cancer, meningitis, encephalitis, or ischemic attack. Effects of cerebral edema range from mild symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and vomiting, to severe consequences such as seizures, coma, respiratory arrest, and even death.

Like other brain injuries, cerebral edema has a spectrum of causes; on occasion, the development or worsening of the condition is caused by medical negligence, usually misdiagnosis or delayed treatment. In the aftermath of such cases, it is prudent to seek the assistance of a legal professional, to ensure that both the victim is compensated, and that future patients are protected from malpractice.


How a specialist lawyer can help

An attorney specializing in traumatic brain injuries has the knowledge and experience to offer expert support to victims. In many cases, legal action may be taken; a specialist lawyer will be able to secure an optimal award. Brain injury patients looking for legal support in the Philadelphia area can contact Colleran PI Law Firm.


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